Pandangan Teoogi Perdamaian Henri Nouwen (Reaktualisasi Pesan Teologi Damai Sejahtera Dalam Melawan Kekerasan)
Theologize Peace is every human effort to contemplate, analyze, and find a way out and take action to tackle all forms of lack of peace as the main response while asking God's authority to take over the whole of human incompetence and then reign to wear man doing the works of peace. Following the Peace Theology of Nouwen, then we must run a step - a simple step, but with the spirit and heartfelt, namely: first, creating a personal prayer life is not to get the power per se, but to the disappearance of all forms and understanding the war. Second, keep - going to take the fight to operate independently and collectively against all forms of violence, including acts of nonviolence from your self, household, society, the state, to the global community. And, lastly, the third, creating equality in all lines, fields, and with all efforts that can be do.
Keywords: Nouwen, Peace, Theology, Violence, Spirituality
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ISSN Cetak : 2337-3512 || ISSN Online : 2548-3021
Tim OJS Pax Humana 2016