Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, Transgender (LGBT) dan Keadilan Sosial

Jeanete Ophilia Papilaya


LGBT singkatan dari Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, dan Transgender. Individu yang termasuk dalam kaum LGBT jumlahnya lebih sedikit dibandingkan kaum heteroseksual. Kaum LGBT seringkali mendapatkan serta menerima pandangan negatif, prasangka, serta kebencian dari lingkungan. Seperti kelompok yang termarginalkan lainnya, kaum LGBT mengalami penolakan, kekerasan, dan diskriminasi di berbagai area seperti pekerjaan, sekolah, layanan kesehatan, dan hak asasi mereka. Di Indonesia masih ada beberapa produk hukum di tingkat nasional maupun daerah yang mendiskriminasikan kelompok LGBT. Padahal jelas ada Pancasila sebagai dasar Negara Indonesia, pada sila ke-5 serta Deklarasi Universal Hak Asasi Manusia (DUHAM). Bentuk ketidak adilan yang dialami dan dirasakan oleh kaum LGBT yaitu stigma, diskrimminasi, dan kekerasan. Bentuk lain dari diskriminasi dan penindasan yang secara eksplisit didukung oleh Undang-Undang mengakibatkan orang LGBT tidak dapat menikmati hak-hak dan perlindungan yang seharusnya mereka rasakan. Semua diskriminasi terhadap kaum LGBT disebabkan oleh stigma sosial yang dihasilkan dari doktrin dan pemahaman agama yang konservatif. Diskriminasi dan intoleransi masih terus menjadi konstruksi sosial dan pandangan dominan masyarakat terhadap kaum LGBT. Untuk dapat mewujudkan keadilan sosial dan tidak menindas kelompok minoritas serta mengembangkan budaya toleransi bisa ditempuh melalui pendidikan, perbaikan regulasi dan sejumlah kebijakan oleh pemerintah, serta partisipasi masyarakat dalam memahami kaum LGBT.



LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender.
Individuals included in the LGBT considerably less than
heterosexuals. LGBT people often get and receive a negative
view, prejudice, and hatred from the society. Like an other
marginalized groups, LGBT people have a rejection, violence,
and discrimination in various areas such as jobs, schools,
health services, and human rights. In Indonesia, there are
still some legal products that discriminate against LGBT. And clearly there is Pancasila as the Principle of Indonesia, on the 5th and the precepts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Forms of injustice experienced and felt by the LGBT that stigma, discrimination, and violence. Other forms of discrimination and oppression that is explicitly supported by the Act resulted LGBT people can not enjoy the rights and protections that should they feel. The all discrimination to LGBT caused by social stigma resulting from doctrine and conservative religious understanding. Discrimination and intolerance continues to be the dominant view of social construction and community against LGBT. In order to realize social justice and not oppress minorities and develop a culture of tolerance can be achieved through education, improved regulation and a number of policy by the government, and the participation of the community in understanding LGBT.

Keyword : LGBT, social justice, discrimination, violence


LGBT; Social Justice; Discrimination; Violence

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