Hukuman Mati Bagi Koruptor atau Hukum Koruptor Sampai Mati (Sebuah Kajian Hukum, Etis Kristiani dan Kultural)

Ebenhaizer Imanuel Nuban Timo


This paper presents an analysis of death penalty for corruptors seen from Constitution, Christian ethics and cultural perspectives. The author talks about how effective the death penalty is when it is imposed to the criminal. He makes it clears that death penalty for corruptors is against the Constitution of the Repulic of Indonesia (UUD 1945). It does not go in line with Christian's view of life as well. The appeal to the goverment, asking for imposing the capital punishment to the corruptors and people support to this appeal are taken by the author to be the starting point of his analysis. The author is of the opinion that capital punishment is not in agreement with both Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945), and the Christian teaching about life as well. Life long imprision remains the only juridicial choice to be imposed to the criminal. But the author takes a further step. For him life-long imprision is also not enough because it fails to meet the purpose of justice, namely to heal the corruptors. Because of this reason the author introduces an alternative punisment which he draws from local wisdom of the Savunese and Timorese people in the province of South-East Sunda Islands (NTT), the province where he comes from.


Death Penalty, Corruption, Corruption Eradication, Local Wisdom

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